HCBF'S Journal gets Accredited from HEC

The Hailey College of Banking and Finance in its endeavors to promote research has launched it's Journal titled "International Journal of Business Reflections" in an impressive ceremony. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Mazhar Pro Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab was Chief Guest. Dr. Saleem appreciated the efforts of Dr. Mubbsher and his team at this occasion.
The editorial board under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Mubbsher Munawar Khan Principal and Dean Faculty of Commerce has already released it's first volume. Good news is that the Journal has recently received accreditation from HEC.

Speaking at this occasion
- Prof. Dr. Mubbsher Munawar Khan appreciated the efforts of the Editorial Board especially Dr. Sammar Rahi in this regard. He invited scholars to send their quality Research Work for publication in this Journal which is recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. He hoped that HCBF’s Journal would soon be able to make its place in top quality journals of the world. It is also important to mention that it is the first business Research Journal of University of the Punjab recognized by Higher Education Commission.
- that the scholars conducting research in business related areas will take advantage and will submit their Research work for publication in the forth coming issues. He was optimistic that the Research Journal will earn due recognition in Hubs of Knowledge and Research through quality publications.
International Journal of Business Reflections

2020 Volume I Issue I kindly click here for further process