The Hailey College of Banking and Finance Library was established on March 26, 2003 Situated at 1-Cust Road Opposite University Ground Allama Campus Lahore, Pakistan. Its initial collection was 500 hundred in 2004. Now its collections is more than 2500 which include the disciplines of Banking, Finance, Insurance & Risk Management, Techniques of Agriculture Credit, International Trade, Management Science, Economics etc. Library subscribed 10 Journals and Magazines and having access of 16000 subscribed Full Text online Journals, 10 daily Newspapers, one foreign newspaper (Khaleej Times) and important publications of National & International agencies like Govt. of Pakistan Publication, IBP, State Bank, World Bank Publication. Library serves more than 1000 library users. The library is completely automated, air-conditioned having printer, bar code reader and other latest technology.
Library Services
The HCBF library offers a wide range of valuable services designed to provide access to the required information and save your time and efforts. The major services are as under:
- HCBF Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) LIMS software is one of the functions provided by the integrated automated library systems, it is MARC base system and can be accessed via microcomputer on LAN and WAN. Resources in the library can be located through OPAC by the following access points.
- Title
- Author
- Subject
- Keyword
- Any word
We pleased to announce that Hailey College of Banking and Finance Library Web OPAC can now be searched through the Library of Congress z39.5 Gateway Interface We have converted our Library Information Management System (LIMS) data into marc format and used Zebra Server(
HCBF Library is the first Library of Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan and the third library in the whole South Asian region to avail this facility. Now the library catalog is available every time for search. We are very thankful from the soul of my heart to the motivation and guidance of Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Principal Hailey College of Banking and Finance for their support to complete this project.
We acknowledge the support of following personalities for the implementation of this project.
Larry E. Dixson, Network Development and MARC, Standards Office,
LM639,Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540-440
Mr Mujtaba Webmaster of Punjab University IT Centre
Mr. Talib Hussain and Muzzna khan HCBF library staff. - Current Awareness Services: The HCBF Library supplied its members in each month photocopies of content pages of selected National and International journals as well as a list of books and other materials converting vide range of subject areas of Banking, Finance, Insurance & Risk Management, Techniques of Agriculture Credit, International Trade, Management Science, Economics etc
- Lending Services: All student members will be allowed to borrow two books for 14 days. Reference material will not be issued but consulted with in library.
- Information Insuring: Any information required by you will be provided with the help of an efficient and reliable reference desk pl. E-mail at
- Readers Advisory Service: To facilitate the library users and guide them to their required library material one staff member is deputed for reader's advisory service.
- Photocopy Service: For library materials, this service is available to members outside the library at campus bookshop.
- Documents Delivery Services: All members will be able to obtain documents by mail, fax or couriers on payment of charges.
- Internet Lab Facility: A wide range of 50 latest computers is available in the HCBF with Internet connections to enjoy the World Wide Web facilities, Online Journals and other electronic databases
Library Sections
The HCBF Library has the following sections;
- General Book Section
- Circulation Section
- Technical Section
- Reference Section
- serial section
- Library will remain open from 7:30 AM to 09:30 PM (Summer) 8:00 AM to 09:30 PM (Winter) during Monday to Friday.
- Break of "Jumma Prayer" from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Friday.
- Timing for Circulation Section will be from 08:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
- Library will remain closed on Saturday Sunday, on Certain Holidays by special notice and for two weeks for "Annual Stock Taking".
- Principal HCBF is authorized to make any change in the rules, which will be displayed on Notice Board.
Library Membership and General Rules
Library Registration
To enjoy the facilities offered by HCBF Library, the student/faculty/staff should submit library registration form (duty filled) the students are advised to keep their Library Cards with them while using the Library.
Change of address/telephone No., e-Mail address must be reported to librarian immediately
General Rules
- Only registered users can avail the facilities of the library.
- Every student should have his College ID Card along with him whenever he visits the library. And will show the card to the library staff on demand.
- Please keep your personal belongings (such as books, briefcases, handbags, etc) at the entrance of library on your own responsibilities library disclaims any liabilities for loss or damage.
- Any book or object should be shown for inspection, if so requested by library staff.
- Do not write, deface underline or mark any book. Library Books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for the damage.
- Library Books should be left on the reading tables, library staff will reshelf them.
- Books are liable to be recalled before the date, if required for some special purposes.
- Member shall make his own arrangement for carrying material from and to the library.
- The librarian is authorized to withdraw library facilities from any member who is found misusing the library material or facilities.
- Member is advised to inspect the books or other material at the time of issue they must dried the attention of the staff at the circulation desk.
Lending Rules
- Borrowing Limit and Period
Name Of Category No. Of Books Time Period Permanent Faculty Member
5 30 days Visiting Faculty Member
3 30 days Non teaching staff (Permanent)
2 14 days Postgraduate Students of HCBF
3 14 days Undergraduate Students of HCBF
2 14 days - Loan may be renewed for further 14 days if other user has not reserved the desired book.
- Over due books will not be reissued.
- Reference Material, CD ROMs, Annual Reports, Projects Pamphlets, Periodicals and Newspapers, etc. cannot be checked out. Photocopying facility is available with in the college.
- Presentation of your college ID card is a must for any checkout at the Circulation Section.
- Books already checked-out by some other user can be reserved. On the receipt of the reserved item, Library will inform the requester to collect it. If the books are not collected within two days, the reservation will be cancelled.
- If You misplace a books and cannot find it after a through search, report this to the circulation section immediately to avoid overdue fine. Mutilation of library material is a matter of disciplinary action. Books accidentally damaged should be reported so that suitable assessment can be made and damages paid.
- All loans are subject to recall if needed by the Library.
Disciplinary Rules
- Complete silence should be observed inside the library.
- Discussions are not allowed in the library.
- If any Student/User will disturb the study environment of the library, he will be given three verbal warnings, if despite the warnings; the user repeats the same attitude Rs. 200 fine will be charged on first time violation, Rs. 500 on second time violation. If user continues the violation the case will be referred to the disciplinary committee. All fine paid to account office receipts. Library account will be blocked in case of non-payment of fine.
- The violation of the library lending rules may result in the following fines:
- A borrower who fails to return the library books on due date, shall have to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- per day per book, if the borrower fails to return the book after one week of due date, library member ship of the defaulter will be suspended for a period of one month.
- In the case of book loss or defacement by a user, he will be charged two times the current price of the book or replace the book.
- The Librarian shall decide the price of rare books, member shall not mutilate, or damage by writing or marking on pages, any book or publication, nor shall they trace or perform mechanical reproduction of an material belonging to the library without formal permission of the library authority, violation of this rule shall require replacement damaged volume of payment of its price specified under the rule.
- If one volume of a set/series is damaged and it is not available separately, the whole se shall have to be replaced or paid for by the member as specified under rule (ii)
- Following rules (ii) and (iv) after paying the cost the member may, if he so desires, may retain the damaged book or volumes for which the price has been recovered form him.
- The amount realized from a member as cost of lost or damaged book or material or for not returning the books after due date shall be credited the university account at Habib Bank Allama Iqbal Campus, PU Lahore
Library Clearance
Any library member who is leaving / transfer from the college /university will have to clear his status from the library. In this regard he will heave to collect Library Clearance Certificate from the library.
In the line with the visual library development HCBF library is fast gearing in to the subscription and acquiring of online and electronics databases. To date more than 16000 full text journals and world renewed database i.e. EBSCO Host, Blackwell Synergy, Oxford University Press, Springer Link, (AJOL) African Journals Online, CABI Publishing, Mary Ann Liebert Inc., The Royal Society for Chemistry, Bentham Science Publishers, AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTING MACHINERY, , ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE, JSTOR, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Which can access thousand of full text articles
EBSCO Host Password Required. password Available from The HCBF Library
EBSCO provides access to 7 databases of information which can be searched individually, in selected groups or altogether.
The databases provide access to just over 7,300 abstracted and indexed journals from all branches of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities. Over 7,000 of these are available as full text with over 4,000 of these being fully peer-reviewed. The Databases, which you can access, are:
Academic Search Premier ( Password Required. password Available from The HCBF Library. The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,600 scholarly publications, including full text for more than 3,500 peer-reviewed journals. Coverage spans virtually every area of academic study and offers information dating as far back as 1975. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost.
Business Source Premier ( Required. Password Available from The HCBF Library. As the world’s largest full text business database, Business Source Premier provides full text for nearly 3,800 scholarly business journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for more than 350 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1922. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost.
ERIC ( Password Required. Password Available from The HCBF Library. ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals.
Master FILE Premier ( Password Required. Password Available from The HCBF Library. Designed specifically for public libraries, this multidisciplinary database provides full text for more than 2,000 general reference publications with full text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Premier also includes more than 350 full text reference books, 84,074 biographies, 86,132 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 107,135 photos, maps and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost.
Health Source - Consumer Edition ( Password Required. Password Available from The HCBF Library. This database is the richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide, providing information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. Health Source - Consumer Edition features searchable full text for nearly 300 journals. This database is updated on a daily basis.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition ( Password Required. Password Available from The HCBF Library. This database provides more than 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals. This database is updated on a daily basis.
Clinical Pharmacology Password Required. Password Available from The HCBF Library. Clinical Pharmacology provides access up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs for all U.S. prescription drugs, hard-to-find herbal and nutritional supplements, over-the-counter products and new and investigational drugs.
For further information please contact the HCBF library staff
Your Query / Ask us
ASK A REFERENCE QUESTION VIA EMAIL Limited to short, factual questions. In-depth questions require discussion and it is preferred that they are done in person or by phone (92-42-7323633,). Answers should be expected within 24 hours Monday-Friday, and 48 hours for Saturday & Sunday. Please provide your complete valid email address so that the answers can be sent to you.
Mail us your reference question at,,
Library Promotions
- Library Society: To promote the reading habits among the students and involved them in academic with full thirst a library society is constituted.
- Book Exhibition/Fair/etc: To aware the community with knowledge HCBF library regularly arranged books exhibition on important events of National, international.
- Best Library Users Prize: A best library user prize is awarded at the end of each semester to that person who is declared over all best library user prescribe under the rules.
- Best Library Staff's Prize: Library also promotes its library staff by giving them motivation as they are representing the library itself. In this regard, a best Library worker's prize is being awarded at the end of each semester.